1 XLM = 0.115 USD        1 BTC = 64614.300 USD        1 XAG = 27.620 USD        1 XAU = 2343.850 USD        1 XLM = 0.0000018 BTC        1 USD = 0.0000155 BTC        1 XAG = 0.0004275 BTC        1 XAU = 0.0362745 BTC        1 XLM = 0.0000490 XAU        1 USD = 0.0004266 XAU        1 XAG = 0.0117840 XAU        1 BTC = 27.5676000 XAU        1 XLM = 0.004 XAG        1 USD = 0.036 XAG        1 XAU = 84.861 XAG        1 BTC = 2339.400 XAG

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